Terms of Service for Rozz Searchbox

Last Updated: 12/04/2023

1. Acceptance of Terms By accessing and using the Rozz searchbox service (“Rozz”), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (“Terms”). If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use Rozz.

2. Prohibited Content and Use You agree not to use Rozz if your website contains hateful, harmful speech, racism, anti-semitism, or discrimination against any group, political or sexual orientation, as well as deliberately misleading content and debunked conspiracy theories. Additionally, Rozz must not be used for or in connection with any illegal content, product or action.

3. Domain Usage Restrictions Rozz is licensed for use only on your own website, under your domain. You are prohibited from attempting to use Rozz on a different domain or modify it to work on a non-authorized domain.

4. Ownership and License Restrictions You may only sign up and use Rozz for your own website or a website that you manage. Using Rozz on a third-party website is strictly against these Terms. You must not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble Rozz.

5. Dispute Resolution Any disputes arising under these Terms should preferably be resolved through arbitration in California. In most cases, terminating the service is a preferable resolution.

6. Limitation of Liability Rozz uses advanced Large Language Model (LLM) technologies but may experience inaccuracies or “hallucinations.” Rozz is not responsible for any actions taken or consequences arising from the use of search results. Rozz is an informational resource and does not constitute the actual content of your website.

7. Service Availability Rozz may occasionally be unavailable due to maintenance or upgrades. Efforts will be made to minimize downtime and recover service as quickly as possible.

8. Service Limitations and Pricing Rozz reserves the right to refuse service to websites with excessive content, including but not limited to a large number of pages or PDF documents. Such cases may require a higher pricing plan.

9. Support Rozz aims to respond to support emails in a timely manner but does not guarantee specific response times.

10. Abuse and Security While Rozz is designed to avoid responding to abusive prompts, we cannot be held liable for responses generated due to intense or sophisticated prompt hacking.

11. Amendments to Terms Rozz reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Your continued use of Rozz after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms.

12. Termination Rozz reserves the right to terminate your access to the service for any breach of these Terms.

Contact Information For any questions regarding these Terms, please contact rozz -at- rozz -dot- site.

Acknowledgment By using Rozz, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.