Custom Search Button

You can customize the way Rozz is triggered in your HTML page by following these instructions. You might want to do this if you wish to use another button than our default ‘Rozz Search Assistant’ button.

If you’d like to see an example, check out and, where each logo triggers the searchbox.

HTML Structure

Your HTML structure should include the rozz-searchbox component and a clickable element that will trigger the searchbox. The initial-status attribute should be set to “link” (see for details on configuration):

<rozz-searchbox id="rozz-searchbox" initial-status="link"></rozz-searchbox>

Here’s what the rest of the code can look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Rozz Searchbox Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="rozz-container">
        <rozz-searchbox id="rozz-searchbox" initial-status="link"></rozz-searchbox>
        <img src="" id="" data-domain="" alt="Search my website" title="Example Website" style="cursor: pointer;">
        document.getElementById('').addEventListener('click', function() {
            const domain = this.dataset.domain;
            const searchbox = document.getElementById('rozz-searchbox');
            if (searchbox) {
                searchbox.openClickLink(domain); // Opens and connects the searchbox


HTML Structure

  • The <div id="rozz-container"> contains the rozz-searchbox element.
  • The image element (<img>) represents the clickable source that will trigger the searchbox. It has an id, a data-domain attribute, and other standard attributes.


  • An event listener is added to the image element with the id of
  • When the image is clicked, the data-domain attribute of the clicked image is retrieved.
  • The openClickLink(domain) method of the rozz-searchbox element is called with the retrieved domain.

Customizing the Domain

To customize the domain, you can change the data-domain attribute of the image element. The JavaScript will automatically use the updated domain value when the image is clicked.

<img src="" id="example" data-domain="" alt="Example Domain" title="Example Domain" style="cursor: pointer;">

Update the JavaScript to reference the new id:

document.getElementById('example').addEventListener('click', function() {
    const domain = this.dataset.domain;
    const searchbox = document.getElementById('rozz-searchbox');
    if (searchbox) {

That’s how you can integrate and use the rozz-searchbox component in your HTML page with a single clickable element that sets the data-domain attribute dynamically based on user interaction. I hope this helps!
